Imagine taking a bold step off the beaten path and delving into the realm of creative transformation, where we present to you the story of artist Jovana Beljić.
Jovana's professional journey began in industrial design, evolving later into a successful painting career. This tale is rich with passion, challenges, and profound wellsprings of inspiration. We invite you to join us in exploring the world of art through her unique artistic expression. Welcome to the story of artist Jovana Beljić.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt thanks once again for the opportunity to share my story with you and the readers of your esteemed publication. My artistic journey began as a graduate in industrial design, yet even then, I felt a profound connection to painting. Despite my love for design, and having worked as a furniture designer and interior decorator post-graduation, I found the corporate environment somewhat stifling to my creativity and artistic freedom. Working as a designer within a corporate framework often limits one's artistic liberty, as everything is tailored to the client's desires and the company's standards. This environment gradually began to suffocate my creative spirit. I spent a year at that company, feeling stationary, unable to progress either personally or creatively. During this period, I took up painting as a hobby alongside my job, seeking to create a balance between the conventional work environment and my own artistic pleasure. The idea of expressing my creativity through visual art became increasingly compelling, and my affinity for realism and hyperrealism emerged as my primary mode of expression. I started sharing my paintings on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and to my delight, the admiration from people grew day by day. Before this, I was a complete novice in technology and social media, so this was a whole new world for me. I also had to learn everything about social media, presentation, and product sales in every possible way. It wasn't easy, but I felt that I was on the right path. I wanted people to see and know about me and my works.
From designer to successful painter
My transition from a design-focused path to that of painting was driven by my desire to always experience the feeling I get while painting.The thought of spending my life in a job out of mere obligation, feeling dissatisfied without progress, merely performing tasks mechanically, was unimaginable to me. It took a year for me to make the decisive cut and listen to my heart. I felt that my heart and soul truly belonged to the arts. Inspiration came from everyday life, the people around me, and their stories. But most of all, it came from my own goals. I didn't have support in my decision to make a living from painting and doing what I love, which only made my goal to prove its feasibility even stronger. Gradually, I turned towards portrait painting as I felt it was the best way to convey the emotions and stories I wanted to tell. Thanks to social media and my decision to devote myself to painting, I made my first sale through Instagram, which encouraged me to continue. I actively shared my works on social media, and the interest in purchasing my paintings grew day by day.
Artistic style and technique
My style focuses on realism and hyperrealism. I love the challenge of creating images that look more real than reality. Technically, I use a combination of thin layers of paint and detailed approach to achieve the desired effect. I continually experiment and refine my technique to evolve as an artist. I am fond of mixed techniques, and although I primarily work with acrylic and oil on canvas, I often enjoy adding other techniques and experimenting with materials. Initially, I wasn't even aware that I would develop my own recognizable style, but now, after six years, I realize that this style came about because I tried to transfer the soul into every painting I did. With each painting, I relived moments from my own life that resonated with the theme I was working on. Patience and dedication led me to focus intensely on details, thus creating realistic and hyperrealistic portraits. Today, they are my signature.
Influences in the world of painting
In the world of painting, I admire the works of great masters like Leonardo da Vinci, Caravaggio, and Frida Kahlo. Their precision and ability to convey emotions with each brushstroke leave an exceptional impression on me. I am also deeply inspired by contemporary young artists like Daniela Weber, Lindsay Rapp, and Daria Kolosova. From these international artists, I learn a lot about valuing my work, authenticity, and the marketing, selling, and business aspects of art. I find inspiration in living examples, and I often think, if they can do it, why can't I?

Development of inspiration
My creative process begins with contemplation about the theme or the individual I wish to portray. Inspiration is found in everyday moments, in the stories of people around me, and also in the act of creation itself. Each work represents its own unique story that I aim to share with the audience. Additionally, one of my personal favorite subjects to work on is horses. Their strength and power inspire me.

Online drawing and painting school
Launching an online school half a year ago was a natural step in my artistic journey. I want to share my knowledge and passion for art with others. Participants can expect structured lessons, personalized advice, and opportunities for personal growth in art. Our online drawing and painting school covers all techniques, from basic to advanced levels. This includes graphite, pastels, acrylics, oils, Russian techniques of portrait painting, and iconography. The course consists of recorded video tutorials with detailed explanations and assignments. In addition to video lessons, we also offer bi-weekly one-on-one consultations where each student receives my support, analyses of completed assignments, advice, and guidance for progress and moving forward.
Balancing creativity and education
Balancing the creation of art and conducting educational sessions requires careful planning and organization. The key is setting priorities and finding time for both. I excel at organization and delegation. The technical aspects of the website and managing the education platform are handled by my assistants, while I manage everything else myself. Of course, it’s a great relief that I can delegate technical tasks to others. Two days a week are dedicated to student consultations; these days, I work exclusively with them. The remaining three days are for working on paintings and commissions. And I take two days off to ensure I can give my best to both my paintings and students.
Challenges in the professional journey
Throughout my journey to success, I faced numerous challenges, from self-doubt to a lack of support, as well as financial hurdles. However, my will and focus on the goal were stronger. I made sure to stay on my chosen path, understanding that setbacks are different from deviating entirely from the path. My advice to young artists is to believe in their talent, be persistent and resilient, and not fear challenges, as they are part of growth. Patience, in my opinion, is key to any success. Unfortunately, people today have little patience and expect instant results. I was realistic with my goals, telling myself even if it takes 10 years to achieve them, it's better to be patient than to spend a lifetime unhappy and dissatisfied doing something you don’t love. My goal was achieved much earlier than the projected 10 years, likely because I believed and was patient.

Masterpieces and pride
Each piece I create holds a special place in my heart, but there are a few paintings I consider to be the pinnacle of my artistic achievement. These are works that have challenged me on a technical level or have a deeper emotional resonance.
I take particular pride in my reproduction of 'The Migration of the Serbs.' This challenging piece, executed in a large format of 220x140 cm, holds a special place in my achievements. I'm also proud of several portraits I've done in dimensions over 2 meters. I really enjoy working on large formats.
Future of artistic work
I look forward to the future with great enthusiasm. I plan to expand my online school, with additional projects and education in the field of marketing and transforming passion into profit, as many artists struggle with this issue. Having succeeded in living off my art and creating my brand, I want to share this knowledge with my students. Therefore, expanding the educational offerings of my now-established ART Academy is in the works, and I also plan to organize a solo exhibition. This exhibition will be something entirely different. I believe in the transformative power of art and want to continue sharing this magic with as many people as possible.
I have also launched my YouTube channel to raise art awareness and assist those lacking self-confidence and belief in their artistic potential. I try to do the same through my weekly newsletter, and I must admit the response has been unexpectedly positive.
In 2024, I am planning to organize various events and seminars for artists, aiming to further expand my engagement in the artistic community.

Jovana has taken us on an extraordinary journey, from designer to artist, demonstrating that passion and dedication are the keys to realizing one's dreams. Jovana's path is marked by bravery and inspiration, and her work is imbued with deep emotions and creative expression.
To fully immerse yourself in the world of Jovana's artistic creations and follow her ongoing journey, visit her Instagram profile (@artbeljicjovana) for a daily dose of inspiration. Additionally, you can explore more about her projects and view her video content on her website and YouTube kanalu.
Let the story of Jovana Beljić inspire you to pursue your passions, dream big, and never stop expressing yourself through art. The world of art is rich and diverse, and Jovana Beljić is a testament to the importance of following your heart and realizing your artistic dreams.
Photos: Jovana Bjeljić