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Privacy Policy Bistry GmbH, Gewerbestrasse 5, 6330 Cham

Company Number: CHE-320.982.426, UID: CHE-320.982.426 - VAT

Privacy Policy for Artistic Hub

In our privacy policy, we inform you about the personal data we process in connection with our activities and operations, and in particular, we inform you about why, how, and where we process this personal data. We also provide information about the rights of individuals whose data we process. Additional privacy policies and other legal documents, such as general terms and conditions (GTC), terms of use, or participation conditions and rules, may apply to individual or additional activities and operations. We are subject to Swiss data protection law and, where applicable, foreign data protection law, such as that of the European Union (EU) with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The European Commission recognizes that Swiss data protection law provides adequate data protection.

  1. Contact Address Responsibility for the processing of personal data:

BISTRY GmbH Gewerbestrasse 5 CH-6330 Cham ;

Please note that there may be other responsible parties for the processing of personal data in individual cases.


2. Terms and Legal Bases

2.1. Terms Personal data includes any information that relates to a specific or identifiable natural person. A data subject is a person whose data is being processed. Processing includes any handling of personal data, regardless of the means and methods used, in particular, the storage, disclosure, acquisition, collection, deletion, storage, modification, destruction, and use of personal data.


2.2. Legal Bases We process personal data in accordance with Swiss data protection law, in particular the Federal Data Protection Act (DSG) and the Data Protection Ordinance (DSV). We process - if and to the extent that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable - personal data in accordance with at least one of the following legal bases:

• Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data to fulfill a contract with the data subject and to carry out pre-contractual measures.

• Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data to protect our legitimate interests or those of third parties, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms and interests of the data subject do not override. Legitimate interests include, in particular, our interest in being able to exercise our activities and operations on a permanent, user-friendly, secure, and reliable basis and to be able to communicate about them, ensuring information security, protection against misuse, enforcement of our own legal claims, and compliance with Swiss law.

• Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data to fulfill a legal obligation to which we are subject under applicable law of the member states of the European Economic Area (EEA).

• Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.

• Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR for the processing of personal data with the consent of the data subject.

• Art. 6 para. 1 lit. d GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person.

3. Type, Scope, and Purpose

We process personal data that is necessary to enable us to carry out our activities and operations on a permanent, user-friendly, secure, and reliable basis. Such personal data may include, in particular, categories of inventory and contact data, browser and device data, content data, meta or marginal data, usage data, location data, sales data, and contract and payment data.

We process personal data for the duration necessary for the respective purpose or purposes or as required by law. Personal data that is no longer required for processing will be anonymized or deleted. We may have third parties process personal data. We may jointly process personal data with third parties or disclose it to third parties. Such third parties are in particular specialized providers whose services we use. We also ensure data protection with such third parties.

We generally process personal data only with the consent of the data subject unless processing is permitted for other legal reasons, such as to fulfill a contract with the data subject and for corresponding pre-contractual measures, to protect our overriding legitimate interests because processing is evident from the circumstances, or following prior information. In this context, we process, in particular, information that a data subject voluntarily and personally transmits to us when contacting us, for example, by postal mail, email, instant messaging, contact form, social media, or by telephone, or when registering for a user account. We may store such information in an address book, customer relationship management system (CRM system), or similar tools. When we receive data about other people from data subjects, the data subjects providing the data are responsible for ensuring data protection for these individuals and ensuring the accuracy of such personal data.

Furthermore, we also process personal data that we receive from third parties, obtain from publicly accessible sources, or collect in the course of our activities and operations, provided and to the extent that such processing is legally permissible.

4. Personal Data Abroad

We generally process personal data in Switzerland and the European Economic Area (EEA). However, we may export or transmit personal data to other countries, especially for processing purposes.

We may export personal data to all countries and territories on Earth and elsewhere in the universe, provided that, according to the assessment of the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) or, where applicable, the Swiss Federal Council, the laws there ensure adequate data protection and, if the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies, according to a decision of the European Commission, ensure adequate data protection.

We may transmit personal data to countries whose laws do not ensure adequate data protection, provided that data protection is ensured for other reasons, in particular based on standard data protection clauses or other suitable guarantees. Exceptionally, we may export personal data to countries without adequate or suitable data protection if the special data protection requirements are met, for example, explicit consent from data subjects or a direct connection with the conclusion or performance of a contract. Upon request, we are happy to provide data subjects with information about any guarantees or provide a copy of such guarantees.

5. Rights of Data Subjects

5.1. Data Protection Claims We grant data subjects all rights under applicable data protection law. Data subjects have, in particular, the following rights:

• Information: Data subjects can request information as to whether we are processing personal data about them and, if so, what personal data it is. Data subjects will also receive the necessary information to assert their data protection claims and to ensure transparency. This includes the processed personal data as such, as well as information about the processing purpose, duration of storage, any disclosure or transfer of data to other countries, and the source of personal data.

• Correction and Restriction: Individuals can request the correction of inaccurate personal data, completion of incomplete data, and restriction of data processing.

• Deletion and Objection: Individuals can request the deletion of personal data ("right to be forgotten") and object to the processing of their data for the future.

• Data Disclosure and Data Transfer: Individuals can request the disclosure of personal data or the transfer of their data to another responsible party.

We may postpone, restrict, or refuse the exercise of individuals' rights within the legally permissible framework. We may inform individuals about any requirements they need to fulfill to exercise their data protection rights. For instance, we may refuse to provide information in whole or in part, citing business secrets or the protection of other individuals. We may also refuse to delete personal data in whole or in part, particularly due to statutory retention obligations.

In exceptional cases, we may charge a fee for the exercise of data protection rights. We will inform individuals in advance about any possible costs.

We are obliged to identify individuals who request information or assert other rights by appropriate means. Individuals are obliged to cooperate.

5.2. Right to Lodge a Complaint

Individuals have the right to enforce their data protection claims through legal action or lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority.

The data protection supervisory authority for private entities and federal agencies in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Public Transparency Officer (EDÖB).

Individuals, where and to the extent the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable, have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent European data protection supervisory authority.

For prompt processing, we kindly ask you to address your requests regarding the exercise of your rights to the contact address in writing.

6. Data Security

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure data security that is appropriate to the respective risks. However, we cannot guarantee absolute data security.

Access to our website is secured using transport encryption (SSL / TLS), especially with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Most browsers indicate transport encryption with a padlock symbol in the address bar.

Our digital communication is subject, like all digital communication, to indiscriminate and suspicionless mass surveillance as well as other monitoring by security authorities in Switzerland, Europe, the United States of America (USA), and other countries. We have no direct influence on how personal data is processed by intelligence agencies, police authorities, and other security agencies.

7. Use of the Website

7.1. Cookies

We may use cookies. Cookies, both first-party cookies (our own cookies) and third-party cookies (cookies from third parties whose services we use), are data stored in your browser. Such stored data are not limited to traditional text-based cookies.

Cookies can be stored in the browser either temporarily as "session cookies" or for a specific period as so-called permanent cookies. "Session cookies" are automatically deleted when the browser is closed. Permanent cookies have a defined storage duration. Cookies allow, among other things, for the browser to be recognized on your next visit to our website, which can be used, for example, to measure the reach of our website. Permanent cookies can also be used for online marketing purposes.

Cookies can be disabled or deleted entirely in your browser settings at any time. Without cookies, our website may not be available in its full capacity. We kindly request, at least if and when necessary, your express consent to the use of cookies.

For cookies used for tracking success and reach or for advertising, you can generally opt out via services like AdChoices (Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada), the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), YourAdChoices (Digital Advertising Alliance), or Your Online Choices (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance, EDAA).

7.2. Server Log Files

For each access to our website, we may collect the following information if it is transmitted from your browser to our server infrastructure or can be determined by our web server: date and time, including the time zone, Internet Protocol (IP) address, access status (HTTP status code), operating system including user interface and version, browser including language and version, specific subpage of our website accessed, including the amount of data transferred, and the last website accessed in the same browser window (referrer).

We store such information, which can also include personal data, in server log files. This data is necessary to provide our website continuously, user-friendly, and reliably and to ensure data security, particularly the protection of personal data, even through third parties or with the assistance of third parties.

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. In the case of data collected to provide the website, this is the case when the respective session ends, i.e., when you leave our website.

The collection of data to provide the website and the storage of data is mandatory for the operation of the website. Therefore, there is no option for the user to use the website without such data processing.

7.3. Tracking Pixels

We may use tracking pixels on our website, also known as web beacons. Tracking pixels, including those from third parties whose services we use, are small, usually invisible images that are automatically retrieved when visiting our website. Tracking pixels can collect the same information as server log files.

8. Notifications and Communications

We send notifications and communications via email and other communication channels, such as instant messaging or SMS.

8.1. Success and Reach Measurement

Notifications and communications may contain web links or tracking pixels to determine whether a single message has been opened and which web links were clicked. Such web links and tracking pixels can also collect personal usage data for notifications and communications. We require this statistical data collection for success and reach measurement to effectively and user-friendly send notifications and communications based on the needs and reading habits of the recipients, ensuring they are delivered consistently, securely, and reliably.

8.2. Consent and Objection

In general, you must explicitly consent to the use of your email address and other contact details, unless such usage is legally permitted for other reasons. For any consent, we prefer to use the "Double Opt-in" process, which means you will receive an email with a web link that you must click to confirm, preventing misuse by unauthorized third parties. We may log such consents, including your Internet Protocol (IP) address, date, and time for evidence and security reasons.

You can generally object to receiving notifications and communications, such as newsletters, at any time (usually via an unsubscribe link included in the message). By doing so, you can also object to the statistical data collection for success and reach measurement. Necessary notifications and communications related to our activities and operations remain unaffected.


9. Social Media

We maintain a presence on social media platforms and other online platforms to communicate with interested individuals and provide information about our activities and operations. In connection with such platforms, personal data may be processed outside of Switzerland and the European Economic Area (EEA).

The general terms and conditions (T&Cs), usage terms, as well as privacy policies and other provisions of the respective platform operators apply. These provisions specifically inform individuals about their rights directly with regard to the respective platform, including the right to access information.

10. Dienste von Dritten

Wir nutzen Dienste von Dritten, um unsere Aktivitäten und Tätigkeiten dauerhaft, nutzerfreundlich, sicher und zuverlässig ausüben zu können. Mit solchen Diensten können wir unter anderem Funktionen und Inhalte in unsere Website einbetten. Bei einer solchen Einbettung erfassen die genutzten Dienste aus technisch zwingenden Gründen mindestens zeitweilig die Internet Protocol (IP)-Adressen der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer.

Für erforderliche sicherheitsrelevante, statistische und technische Zwecke können Dritte, deren Dienste wir verwenden, Daten im Zusammenhang mit unseren Aktivitäten und Tätigkeiten aggregiert, anonymisiert oder pseudonymisiert bearbeiten. Es handelt sich beispielsweise um Leistungs- oder Nutzungsdaten, um den jeweiligen Dienst anbieten zu können.

Wir verwenden insbesondere:

·         Dienste von Google: Anbieterinnen: Google LLC (USA) / Google Ireland Limited (Irland) für Nutzerinnen und Nutzer im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) und in der Schweiz; Allgemeine Angaben zum Datenschutz: «Grundsätze zu Datenschutz und Sicherheit»Datenschutzerklärung«Google ist der Einhaltung der anwendbaren Datenschutzgesetze verpflichtet»«Leitfaden zum Datenschutz in Google-Produkten»«Wie wir Daten von Websites oder Apps verwenden, auf bzw. in denen unsere Dienste genutzt werden» (Angaben von Google)«Von Google verwendete Cookie-Arten und sonstige Technologien»«Personalisierte Werbung» (Aktivierung / Deaktivierung / Einstellungen).

10.1. Digitale Infrastruktur

Wir nutzen Dienste von Dritten, um benötigte digitale Infrastruktur im Zusammenhang mit unseren Aktivitäten und Tätigkeiten in Anspruch nehmen zu können. Dazu zählen beispielsweise Hosting- und Speicherdienste von spezialisierten Anbietern.

Wir nutzen insbesondere:

·         WIX: Website-Baukasten; Anbieterin: Ltd. (Tel Aviv); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

·, Zürcherstrasse 4, 5620 Bremgarten, Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

10.2. Kontaktmöglichkeiten

Wir verwenden Dienste von Dritten, um mit Ihnen und sonstigen Personen wie beispielsweise Kundinnen und Kunden besser kommunizieren zu können. Wir verwenden insbesondere:

·         Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Customer Service): Anbieterin: Microsoft Corporation (USA); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

·         Cisco: Telefonie und Audio-Aufzeichnung; Anbieterin: Cisco Systems GmbH (Switzerland); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

·         WhatsApp: Instant-Messaging-Dienst; Anbieterin: WhatsApp Ireland Limited (IRL): Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

Zudem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, uns über diverse Social-Media-Plattformen zu kontaktieren (10.5.). Für den Fall, dass Sie uns über eine Social-Media-Plattform kontaktieren, weisen wir Sie darauf hin, dass diese nicht im Eigentum oder der Herrschaftssphäre von der BISTRY GmbH steht, der Schutz und die Vertraulichkeit der uns über die jeweilige Social-Media-Plattform zur Verfügung gestellten Daten daher nicht gewährleistet werden kann. Für Fragen zum Datenschutz wenden Sie sich bitte an die Betreiber und Inhaber der jeweiligen Social-Media-Plattform.

10.3. Audio- und Video-Konferenzen

Wir nutzen spezialisierte Dienste für Audio- und Video-Konferenzen, um online kommunizieren zu können. Wir können damit beispielsweise virtuelle Besprechungen abhalten oder Online-Unterricht und Webinare durchführen. Für die Teilnahme an Audio- und Video-Konferenzen gelten ergänzend die Rechtstexte der einzelnen Dienste wie Datenschutzerklärungen und Nutzungsbedingungen. Wir empfehlen, je nach Lebenssituation bei der Teilnahme an Audio- oder Video-Konferenzen das Mikrofon standardmässig stumm zu schalten sowie den Hintergrund unscharf zu stellen oder einen virtuellen Hintergrund einblenden zu lassen. Wir nutzen insbesondere:

·         ZOOM: Video-Konferenzen und Group-Chat-Software; Anbieterin: Zoom Corporation (USA); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

10.4. Audiovisuelle Medien

Wir verwenden Dienste von Dritten, um das direkte Abspielen von audiovisuellen Medien wie beispielsweise Musik oder Videos auf unserer Website zu ermöglichen.

Wir verwenden insbesondere:

·         Microsoft Stream: Bildschirm- und Video-Aufzeichnungen; Anbieterin: Microsoft Corporation (USA); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

·         YouTube: Videos; Anbieterin: Google; YouTube-spezifische Angaben: «Datenschutz- und Sicherheitscenter»«Meine Daten auf YouTube».

10.5. Social Media-Funktionen und Social Media-Inhalte

Wir verwenden Dienste und Plugins von Dritten, um Funktionen und Inhalte von Social Media-Plattformen einbetten zu können sowie um das Teilen von Inhalten auf Social Media-Plattformen und auf anderen Wegen zu ermöglichen.

Wir verwenden insbesondere:

·         Facebook (Soziale Plugins): Einbetten von Facebook-Funktionen und Facebook-Inhalten, zum Beispiel «Gefällt mir» («Like») oder «Teilen» («Share»); Anbieterinnen: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (Irland) und weitere Meta-Unternehmen (unter anderem in den USA); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung.

·         Instagram-Plattform: Einbetten von Instagram-Inhalten; Anbieterinnen: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (Irland) und weitere Meta-Unternehmen (unter anderem in den USA); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung (Instagram)Datenschutzerklärung (Facebook).

·         LinkedIn Consumer Solutions Platform: Einbetten von Funktionen und Inhalten von LinkedIn, zum Beispiel mit Plugins wie dem «Share Plugin»; Anbieterinnen: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company (Irland) für Nutzerinnen und Nutzer im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) sowie in der Schweiz / LinkedIn Corporation USA) für Nutzerinnen und Nutzer im Rest der Welt; Angaben zum Datenschutz: «Datenschutz» («Privacy»)DatenschutzerklärungCookie-RichtlinieCookie-Verwaltung / Widerspruch gegen E-Mail und SMS-Kommunikation von LinkedInWiderspruch gegen interessenbezogene Werbung.

10.6. Dokumente

Wir verwenden Dienste von Dritten, um Dokumente in unsere Website einbinden zu können. Solche Dokumente können beispielsweise Formulare, PDF-Dateien, Präsentationen, Tabellen und Textdokumente umfassen. Wir verwenden insbesondere:

·         Issuu: Digitale Dokumente und elektronische Publikationen; Anbieterin: Issuu Inc. (USA); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung.

·         WIX: Website-Baukasten; Anbieterin: Ltd. (Tel Aviv); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

10.7. Schriftarten

Wir verwenden Dienste von Dritten, um ausgewählte Schriftarten sowie Icons, Logos und Symbole in unsere Website einbetten zu können.

Wir verwenden insbesondere:

·         Adobe Fonts: Schriftarten; Anbieterinnen: Adobe Inc. (USA) für Nutzerinnen und Nutzer in den USA / Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited (Irland) für Nutzerinnen und Nutzer ausserhalb den USA; Angaben zum Datenschutz: «Datenschutzzentrum von Adobe»Datenschutzerklärung (Adobe Fonts)«Datenschutzerklärung von Adobe»«Fragen zum Datenschutz?»«Adobe-Datenschutzeinstellungen».

·         Font Awesome: Icons und Logos; Anbieterin: Fonticons Inc. (USA); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung.

·         Google Fonts: Schriftarten; Anbieterin: Google; Google Fonts-spezifische Angaben: «Was bedeutet die Verwendung der Google Fonts-API für die Privatsphäre meiner Nutzerinnen und Nutzer?» («What does using the Google Fonts API mean for the privacy of my users?»).

10.8. Kartenmaterial

Wir verwenden Dienste von Dritten, um Karten in unsere Website und CRM-Systeme einbetten zu können. Wir verwenden insbesondere:

·         Google Maps einschliesslich Google Maps Platform: Kartendienst; Anbieterin: Google; Google Maps-spezifische Angaben: «Wie Google Standortinformationen verwendet».

·         Microsoft Bing für Routenplaner im Microsoft Dynamics 365: Kartendienst; Anbieterin: Microsoft Corporation (USA); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

10.10. Zahlungen

Wir nutzen spezialisierte Dienstleister, um Zahlungen unserer Kundinnen und Kunden sicher und zuverlässig abwickeln zu können. Für die Abwicklung von Zahlungen gelten ergänzend die Rechtstexte der einzelnen Dienstleister wie Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) oder Datenschutzerklärungen. Wir nutzen insbesondere:

·         TWINT: Mobile Zahlungsapplikation für iOS und Anfroid; Anbieterin: TWINT AG (CH), Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

·         Paypal: Abwicklung von Zahlungen; Anbieterin: PayPal Pte. Ltd. (SGP); Angaben zum Datenschutz: Datenschutzerklärung

10.11. Werbung

Wir nutzen die Möglichkeit, gezielt Werbung für unsere Aktivitäten und Tätigkeiten bei Dritten wie beispielsweise Social Media-Plattformen und Suchmaschinen anzeigen zu lassen.

Wir möchten mit solcher Werbung insbesondere Personen erreichen, die sich für unsere Aktivitäten und Tätigkeiten bereits interessieren oder sich dafür interessieren könnten (Remarketing und Targeting). Dafür können wir entsprechende – allenfalls auch personenbezogene – Angaben an Dritte, die solche Werbung ermöglichen, übermitteln. Wir können ausserdem feststellen, ob unsere Werbung erfolgreich ist, das heisst insbesondere, ob sie zu Besuchen auf unserer Website führt (Conversion Tracking).

Dritte, bei denen wir werben und wo Sie als Nutzerin oder Nutzer angemeldet sind, können die Nutzung unseres Online-Angebotes allenfalls Ihrem dortigen Profil zuordnen.

Wir verwenden insbesondere:

11. Website Extensions

We use extensions on our website to enable additional functionalities. Specifically, we use:

• Google reCAPTCHA: Spam protection (distinguishing between desired comments from humans and unwanted comments from bots and spam); Provider: Google; Google reCAPTCHA-specific details: "What is reCAPTCHA?"

• jQuery (OpenJS Foundation): Free JavaScript library; Provider: OpenJS Foundation (USA) with the use of StackPath CDN; Privacy information: Privacy Policy (OpenJS Foundation), Cookie Policy (OpenJS Foundation).

12. Success and Reach Measurement

We use services and programs to determine how our online offering is used. In this context, we can measure the success and reach of our activities and the impact of third-party links to our website. We may also experiment and compare how different versions of our online offering or parts of our online offering are used (A/B testing method). Based on the results of success and reach measurement, we can rectify errors, strengthen popular content, or make improvements to our online offering.

When using services and programs for success and reach measurement, the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of individual users must be stored. IP addresses are generally shortened ("IP masking") to follow the principle of data minimization and thus improve the data protection of users.

When using services and programs for success and reach measurement, cookies may be used, and user profiles may be created. User profiles include, for example, the pages visited or content viewed on our website, information about screen size or browser window, and the approximate location. User profiles are generally created only in pseudonymized form. We do not use user profiles for identifying individual users. Some third-party services, where users are logged in, may potentially associate the use of our online offering with the user's account or profile with the respective service.

We use the following services in particular:

  • Google Analytics: Success and reach measurement; Provider: Google; Google Analytics-specific information: Measurement across different browsers and devices (Cross-Device Tracking) as well as with pseudonymized IP addresses, which are only occasionally transmitted to Google in the USA, "Privacy," "Browser Add-on to Deactivate Google Analytics."

  • Google Tag Manager: Integration and management of other services for success and reach measurement, as well as additional services from Google and third parties; Provider: Google; Google Tag Manager-specific information: "Data Collected with Google Tag Manager"; further information on data protection can be found with each integrated and managed service.

  • Meta Pixel: Remarketing and conversion tracking; Providers: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (Ireland) and other Meta companies (including those in the USA); Privacy information: Privacy Policy.

  • Google Inc.: Remarketing or "Similar Audiences" function; Provider: Google Ireland Limited; Privacy information: Privacy Policy.

  • Google Adwords: Conversion tracking; Provider: Google Ireland Limited; Privacy information: Privacy Policy.

  • Google Signals and Universal Analytics: Web analytics service; Provider: Google Ireland Limited; Privacy information: Privacy Policy.

  • Bing Ads: Universal Event Tracking (UET); Provider: Microsoft Corporation (USA); Privacy information: Privacy Policy.

  • Hotjar: User behavior tracking; Provider: Hotjar Ltd (UK); Privacy information: Privacy Policy.

  • Microsoft Clarity: User behavior tracking; Provider: Microsoft Corporation (USA); Privacy information: Privacy Policy; Terms of Service: Terms and Conditions.

13. Terms and Conditions for Our Services

14.Final Provisions

We reserve the right to modify and amend this privacy policy at any time. We will inform about such adaptations and amendments in an appropriate manner, particularly through the publication of the most current privacy policy on our website.

Date: September 1, 2023.

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